BrazenCloud Features

Scale Your Hybrid Incident Response

IR Triage and Asset Discovery

  • Operationalize and Automate Asset Discovery during IR Engagements

  • Perform Remote Yara Scans for advanced malware hunting, breach scanning and APT detection

  • On Demand Memory Malware Detection and Analysis - Execute Loki APT detection on any workload at scale. Execute your malware analysis actions remotely.

  • Perform remote file analysis, strings files and get analysis data back, run sigma rules on end user systems and servers to retrieve crucial endpoint logs.

  • Remotely Kill Processes, Disable Users, Change User’s AD Group

  • Enumerate Local and Remote Services and Listeners For Attack Surface Management (ASM) and APT Detection

  • Perform File Artifact Capture at Scale

  • Automate PowerShell or Python scripts directly from Workloads to run any binary or perform File Submissions to any APIs for Further Analysis

Execute Security Administration Tasks

  • Active Directory Task Automation

    • Centralize and automate common active directory tasks.

  • OS Patch Management

    • Apply Patches on Windows Machines

    • Force Windows Updates Remotely or on a Scheduled Basis

  • Automate the installation of applications

    • Remotely automate the installation of virtually any application.

  • Inject Binaries and Scripts

    • Leverage your own known-good repositories

  • Push Configuration Files or Config Updates At Scale Everywhere

    • Execute PowerShell or Python Anywhere

    • Start and stop system services

  • Remotely Automate the execution of any system commands including passing parameters to binaries on any Workload’s command line and retrieve their output or pass it to analytics solutions.

Execute Any Binary, Move Data and Create Dynamic Network Connectivity

  • Deploy and Validate Deployment of third party agents

  • Move Files, Execute Security Scans in a CI/CD pipeline, execute transformation tasks, batches or scripts in sequence or on scheduled intervals.

  • Connect and Stream Data Between Apps on Different Workloads securely with our zero trust architecture.

  • Easily script and execute complex orchestrated build processes with many steps and stages with Composable Runbooks.

  • Execute Python or PowerShell Anywhere

  • Turn Any Executed Script or Binary into an API with the BrazenCloud API surface.

*Delivery via SaaS or On Premises

Learn more about BrazenCloud’s Technology


Automate IT Actions Across Multi-Cloud and On Premises

Automate Thousands of Security Ops, IT Admin, DevOps or Threat Hunting Tasks


Zero Trust Application Access (ZTAA) Connectivity Architecture

Encrypted Data exchange layer used to orchestrate and execute sequential automations on Any Workload


Be Brazen, Try BrazenCloud Today

Open and Flexible Platform

Execute Netstat, parse remote hosts with PowerShell, push PowerShell output to a port scanner, scan using that data reformatted to the data needed for retargeting and send resultant output to Elasticsearch or write the file to a specific agent and directory. Or copy files or result data other locations for additional processing. All from a simple and sleek user interface.