General Purpose Automation is Needed in Security
SOAR isn’t “SOARing” Very Well
In 2022, organizations are busily bolting on products that claim to do Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR). What we are hearing from buyers is that only a few can actually accomplish their automation goals. Security buyers wish to automate portions of their SOC processes and investigation steps and think they are getting a wonderful efficiency for their SOC. Some are getting more efficient, but when you consider the wider automation landscape, the savings is really paltry. With BrazenCloud, gone are the days of being locked in to just the automations and integrations that the provider puts in their own product, and gone are the days of only automating in just one single verticalized business function.
SOAR Products Don’t “Hit the Mark” in terms of Cost savings
Lets summarize this for a moment. This means that currently, SOAR products are being purchased to automate, but ONLY in Security, leaving IT automation as a separate function for “other buyers” in the organization to pursue separately. This has to stop, lest companies end up duplicating or quadrupling both their efforts, talent costs and in turn their spending for automation.
Lack of Automation Breadth
For buyer’s to really recognize cost savings (outside of just security) buyer’s need to consider widening their automation aperture. One thing that is missing from many buyer’s current strategy is examining their full breadth of automation needs across their entire organization vs just for security. Organizations need to reorient their thinking and adjust what they are seeking to focus on the much larger automation savings in enhancing automation in a wider array of activities. We think that organizations need to seek ways to automate using more general purpose automation platforms like BrazenCloud.
Buyers must Examine the Wider Potential Cost Savings of Automation
Organizations need to think bigger in their automation strategies. This means, examining the potential cost savings of automation project across multiple departments and roles within the computing (Digital) employee base. For example, if you look at Figure 1 on the right (US BLS salary data). You can quickly see how costly headcounts can be. As a simple illustration, we’ve calculated the cost if you were to have just one of each of the types of employee and the total comes to a whopping $1.7 Million Dollars (on average) if you only needed one of each. Now, of course not all organizations will need the same functions, or have the same exact cost profiles, however it’s very easy to see that widening the aperature of automation can net stronger savings benefits, bringing more efficiency and reducing potential missteps such as redundant costs associated with deploying multiple (purpose built vs general purpose) systems.
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